Vol. 3, No. 12 22 June 2022
Since its first introduction the draft of the proposed changes to the Miami-Dade Code has been revised. It now includes language that lets incorporated municipalities regulate their own development as long as they meet certain standards. Here is some of the language of the proposed ordinance:
(a) Except as provided in this section and section 33C-5, and notwithstanding section 33C-2 regarding County jurisdiction, for properties within the SMART Corridor Subzone that are located within a municipality, the applicable municipality may continue to exercise jurisdiction over regulatory decisions, water and sewer installations, street maintenance, and utility regulation to the extent it otherwise exercises jurisdiction over those functions. (b) Each municipality shall, by ordinance, adopt:
(i) its own zoning districts and its own development standards satisfying the minimum floor-area ratio requirements of this section; such ordinance may include, without limitation, protection of existing single-family neighborhoods from encroachment by incompatible development, exclusion of existing single-family neighborhoods from the Rapid Transit Zone, and requirements that buildings meet LEED or other green building standards that promote ecological and resource-efficient construction or operations; development of existing single-family or two-family neighborhoods.