Vol. 1, No. 15 April 23, 2020
I wanted to get this out now so that anyone who is in need of food might able to get to one of these sites.
The Governor is in the process of planning to open some parks, golf courses and marinas for passive uses. He may do this by the middle of next week. There will be very strict limitations on what is going to be allowed in parks - only three on a basket ball court and only singles on a tennis court, for instance. The order will include fines for people who are not cooperating. When this order is made, South Miami will consider which parks it will open and how it will enforce social distancing.
Currently, the health care system in Miami-Dade County is reporting that there are 3,400 open beds, 573 open ICU bed and 863 available ventilators. While it looked like the peak for COVID-19 infections was reached in early April, after about a six-day downward trend, the number of infections went up over the Passover and Easter holidays. A lot of caution is still very necessary.
Take care and stay safe.